Sunday, June 14, 2009

Is it a bird, a plane? Nope, John Deere Man!

Look I can hold up the wall without breaking a sweat!

Even John Deere Man needs a little sleep every now and again!

Aubrey and I had a fun morning turning Brody into a superhero, or at least our version of a little superhero! May we introduce John Deere Man! I had out a John Deere handkerchief that Grandpa Mike got for Brody and we decided to tie it around Brody's neck like a cape. We had the best time flying him around and I finally came up with 'John Deere Man' for our little superhero. I'm sure Aubrey and I got more of a kick out of it than we should have and one day Brody will be devastated when the pictures surface, but we only do it out of pure, unconditional love! We laughed so hard tonight looking at the pictures that I almost cried!
Brody continues to amaze us daily with his new achievements, silly personality, physical strength, dare-devil behavior and curiosity. This past Tuesday Brody started pulling toys out of his favorite laundry basket while standing up and taking small items out of his toy cookie jar. If given the chance I think he would stand up by the laundry basket all day long. He will let go with one hand from time to time and put his free hand in the air reminiscent of a bull rider and Aub and I will start counting to 8. A few times he's made it that long before he plops down on his tail and stands up again in a flash.
We lowered his crib mattress as low as it can go last weekend (even though he still sleeps in a pack n' play in our room, he does take his naps in his crib) and I turned around today and he was standing up somehow, peering over the front rail with a smile on his face. There are no rails for him to hold onto to pull himself up in the front, he just pushes amazingly hard with his legs and almost leaps to stand up on everything! Yesterday Brody learned how to walk back and forth holding onto the loveseat too. He's just a blast and makes us laugh!
I have three videos to upload from this past week, the videos take forever to upload so hopefully I'll have time tomorrow to work on them.

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